Bruce D. Wyman Company

Since 1988

Providing Strategic Business Planning Services to small businesses and associations, both for- and non-profit, to help them leverage their use of their scarce resources: time, funds, and effort.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." *

Why consider using a consultant?

A business owner certainly could do his or her own strategic business planning, if (s)he had sufficient time to figure out all the terms involved; how they inter-relate; which processes are value-added, and which add lesser value than the effort involved; the order in which to approach each of the steps; etc. But generally, a small business or association owner/director/officer has a significant shortage of excess time. What the consultant should bring to the engagement is knowledge of a preferred process and the terminology involved; what adds value and what doesn't; and the ability to provide an unbiased basis of support--asking the tough questions designed to draw out the key kernels of essential information.

You shouldn't look for the consultant to know the specifics of your business as well as you do; you are engaging the consultant to assist you in your developing your own Strategic Business Plan. If you want someone to come in and do your plan FOR you, with little effort on the part of the key business/association principals, then you are headed in a low-payoff direction that has little chance of developing a dynamic and workable plan, instead of producing a "shelf-warmer" or "bookend" volume.

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